The mantra spewed by those with jobs, and intact stuff, invariably refer to the updated welfare queen. Those that have a TV, or internet, are assumed to be living too high on the hog. They must be deprived until they are taught proper poverty. And those that want control over who is destitute enough, largely desire to determine that thru churchy submission. If you still insist on having your own conceptions of God, gays and guns, you must be carefully taught that you aren't allowed an opinion, unless you are the updated landowner.
There have been many calls from the right, that if you accept one stick of Government help, you should not get to vote, drink a beer, or God forbid, protest. The calvinist persecution is upon us. This defense mechanism, is the salve that makes those with their stuff intact feel safer, and provides the excuse to heap scorn on any that poverty affects.
According to believe and receive theology, if you were doing what God supports, God would support YOU. That misery has befallen you, is proof that you deserve to suffer. Those preaching this also think you should go to your premature deathbed without bitterness. Sure they think private charity should be available. But you havent drank the koolaid. And so, without the need or expense of a rack, or cat-o-nine tails, they envision an inquisition every bit as harsh as the last one. It seems to be loosely modeled on 1984, where in the end, you embrace the philosophy of your tormentor.
Should we fail to see the seriousness of their plans and schemes, I have no doubt that starvation and easily treatable suffering are to be institutionalized. Should the inquisitors find their way back into political power, I have no doubt that they will severely punish any that might speak out, up to the Pnac threat, to nuke anyone that doesn't go along with the program, or pogrom.
How do the church freaks justify personally sending many to supposed hell? Some are destined to be vessels of dishonor, like a piss pot. And who are we to complain, God created us to contain the excrement of the chosen. Think I'm joking? I have debated many of them. They think they are doing the work of the lord. Only one thing stands in their way. That damn hippy guy Jesus needs a long overdue makeover. And those historically upstart daggermen Jews must become silent sufferers too. Give me liberty or give me death, unless you are undeserving, in the eyes of the pharisee. Then, the only thing you are allowed to ask for is, thank you sir, may I have another. and not in a good way.