On May 12 New Yorkers Took On Wall Street (& days before too)By: Elana Levin - FDL
Friday May 13, 2011 4:02 pm
I was among the 20,0000 people who participated in the May 12 action.– here’s what that many people marching on Wall Street looks like (video care of the super-heroic Austen Guest of the Alliance for a Greater New York). I tried to cobble together some stories for you guys, I’m exhausted so I apologize for my sloppy writing here.
If you are unfamiliar with the May 12 events, definitely read the live coverage in the form of tweets from the rally (you don’t need twitter to read it). Here’s a compilation of early press coverage (yes, there was media but of course it received nowhere near as much attention as 5 tea party people get for standing on a street corner).
Regardless, the most inspirational thing about the May 12th actions is how many children and teens I saw out there. I have never seen so many kids at a protest before and with so much diversity.
NY’s major community groups like the new and impressive NY Communities for Change and innovative immigrant rights group Make the Road NY turned out en mass as you’d expect (they’ve got a lot of members). But so did countless smaller groups I’d never seen before, ones named after the city’s hundreds of neighborhoods like Cypress Hill and the Lower East Side. These neighborhood-based nonprofits provide direct services to their members– services they’ll be hard pressed to provide if the city cuts funding.
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