Edited on Sun May-15-11 05:50 AM by MadHound
The simple fact of the matter is that the War on Terror is a War of Ideas, our philosophy vs. the philosophy of the Taliban, al Qaeda and other such extremists. We have made the mistake of bringing our military to this War of Ideas, which means that we simply cannot win.
You don't win a War of Ideas with bombs and bullets, you have to look no further than Vietnam, or Ireland to see the truth of that. Killing people will not kill an idea. You win a War of Ideas by bringing a better idea to the table. At one time, back during our own revolution(incidentaly, where we too were referred to as terrorists), we understood this. That too was a War of Ideas, and our idea won.
A War of Ideas is not like a traditional war. There is no territory to occupy, there is no capital to capture. Rather it is a war for the hearts and minds of a population. The authors of that seminal work, "The Ugly American" understood this perfectly well. One of the main characters, Atkins, states that the only way to win the war was to make sure that every crate of humanitarian aid, every building constructed, every bit of food had "Made in USA" stamped prominently on it.
A recent survey of Afghans found that 92% don't know about 9/11, the nominal reason we're in Afghanistan. All they know is that the US is pounding the hell out of them, killing their friends and family, destroying their country. This isn't going to win this War of Ideas, in fact it is going to insure that we lose. The only way we can win this War of Ideas is to actually practice the ideology that we like to preach. Withdraw our military, and start pouring in humanitarian aid. Stop the killing and start the healing. Don't walk away from Afghanistan, but instead devote years and millions towards rebuilding the country.
In this War of Ideas, this War on Terror, every bullet we fire, every person we kill creates another terrorist. Families and friends of the dead don't understand why we're shooting at them, just that we're killing them and destroying their country. Such violence radicalizes the people we commit that violence against, so they too will take up the gun, the bomb, and march off to war against us. We continue to create more and more enemies.
The War on Terror is not a war against a state, there is no land to occupy, no capital to capture. We occupy Afghanistan, and the terrorists move to Pakistan. We occupy Pakistan, and they move to Yemen, or the Sudan, or Somalia. Are we going to continue to move around the globe, invading countries, chasing terrorists, and in the process laying waste to sovereign nations? That way lies eternal war, which could very well be what the MIC wants, eternal war for eternal profits.
The US now is regarded as, at best, a loose cannon by the rest of the world. At worst, we are regarded with fear and loathing. If we want to win the War on Terror, win this War of Ideas, we have to change that perception. We have to show the world that we are indeed a kind and generous people. That we are a nation that believes in the rule of law and helping the less fortunate. We have to show the world that we do indeed have the Better Idea.
Otherwise we will lose this War on Terror, this War of Ideas. We won't be conquered or killed, rather we will simply continue to pour our resources and treasure into the black hole of never ending warfare, and collapse from within.