There is an interesting sentence from this site article:
"Strauss-Kahn seems almost in a panic too."
Here is and excerpt with url below:
"And convergence, of course, means one world.
Strauss-Kahn as head of the IMF has already stated that the IMF is working towards managing a single global economy rather than a loosely connected framework of sovereign national economies.
And today in a comment (i.e. demand) in the FT (where else?) Strauss-Kahn reiterates the Bilderberg lust for world control by proposing that the IMF coordinate the rewriting of banking legislation across sovereign national economies so that the multinational banks, you know the ones that caused the crisis in the first place, can operate under rules that allow them to loot and steal and transfer quadrillions in a split second without it upsetting the quasi-global economy.
Strauss-Kahn seems almost in a panic too.
Time is of the essence in reaching an international agreement lest political patience with regulatory conclaves runs out and we enter a cycle of unco-ordinated policy, distorted capital flows and regulatory arbitrage. The International Monetary Fund, for its part, will work to draw out the systemic and macroeconomic implications of financial sector reforms – and, if it and, if it comes to it, the implications of a failure to converge on a common solution."
SINGLE GLOBAL ECONOMY doesn't come JUST from him - it comes from the B Group and their dozens of affiliated organizations.