Way back with GWB already -- Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg -- and he was not impeached.
Crumbling infrastructure at home while war profiteering was amped up overseas.
And I did think the Bush Crash would be the one that jolted us onto a new track-- FDR Revisited to get us up to par with other industrialized nations in terms of social safety nets in times of economic upheaval, and infrastructure upgrades that incorporated lots of green technology, so just like the space program of yore, we could sell some of the spin offs and keep up with the world markets for conservation and renewable energy technologies. That was pragmatic and practical to me.
I am all the more depressed because rebuilding our country together would have boosted national morale even as we tried to recover from the beating of the Bush Crash. We could have revived some Democratic family values like helping one another and our country for the good of our children and their children. Sharing creative ways to live more with less. Marveling at the variety of technologies put to use nationwide to use our precious fossil fuels more carefully, so they could stretch to serve future generations too.
Is it because we did not jolt at those straws that we have not jumped in a positive direction after the newer straws?
Like the BP Deep Water Horizon disaster that exposed how little our billions in subsidies had done to encourage the oil companies to improve their clean up technologies. They were using techniques that were decades old, and quite dangerous in an already polluted world. Poisonous chemicals by the thousands of gallons. And still, we the Democratic party, are allowing this reckless industry to continue its explorations so soon? Why don't we have a clean up stimulus plan for the Gulf, financed by the careless companies that caused the accident, so we can put our people to work learning a valuable trade that will be needed more and more in years to come?
Like Fukushima. The meltdowns still in progress have given other world leaders the courage to close their nuclear plants. Isn't it disheartening that all of the Democratic drifting along to the Right has put us in such a weakened position that we expect our Democratic president to be a nuke booster? That is an awful imposition. Wish we could have zoomed in with all our Democrats pushing the green projects already so that our president could be pushing much more funding for those instead.
And then there is the true face of fracking. Thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals pumped into the porous shale to force out the gas and poison groundwater all across America? That's the lovely flame on the TV commercials about our abundant natural gas? One hundred years of power, the nice guy says, but at the cost of how many years of pure drinkable groundwater? Until Gasland (the movie) came out, I didn't realize how destructive the extraction methods were. I am still stunned that legislators across the country are approving the permits.
The 2010 Republican Governors' Hit Squad has been allowed to get so very far. Thank goodness they crossed the line and got Wisconsinites and Michiganders and others out into the streets. But they are just speeding up their obviously corrupt policies of perks for their friends, union bashing, and upping the misery index for the poor. And instead of outrage on the broadcast media, we have seen peculiar discussions of the issues they raise-- as though cuts to the already suffering are necessary, even though foregoing the gifts to the governors' cronies would save just as much.
This rightward drift has really turned so ugly and crossed so many moral lines.
We could have revived our spirits with a super Democratic surge. We could be so much further along. And it would have been bipartisan too by now-- bipartisan among the 90% of us that would be working together to rebuild, rather than at the top among the privately owned legislators. Millions of Americans who'd been facing eviction but were now working on rebuilding their roads and bridges and high speed rail would be making friends. And spending their paychecks locally, keeping local economies afloat. That would have been bipartisan in action-- on the ground.
But we tried to start at the top. Winning over GOP legislators entrenched in plotting our demise. That gave the incredibly complex right wing propaganda teams a lot of time to stir up discontent in our already miserable populace. Democrats were supposed to be the people's party and millions voted for us and then we didn't have a moratorium on foreclosures, or push to the end for Medicare for All, or go into the midterms fighting for fairer taxes and letting the top Bush tax cuts expire.
Was there a grander purpose in not doing that and getting the right wing to show themselves to the nation in all their ugliness? That would be my charitable view. But the right wingers were already quite ugly before. Millions of us knew that already and thus, voted for Democrats in 2008. But then the Democrats caved and caved and hopes were dashed and the right wing PR machinery was powerful and triumphant, greatly assisted by right wing judicial activists my Democrats allowed to be appointed to our Supreme Court opening the floodgates of election campaigns to secret funding.
So here I am. Pollyanna X. Hoping for the best. Wondering how this right wing tsunami will ever end.