I want him to sit down and talk to people in senate seats in states that are marginal or republican leaning. He needs to convince them to sign an anti-retirement pledge meaning they will not retire unless it is a year favorable to democrats like 1974 or 2006.
Look at all the seats we could still have if the incumbents hadn't of retired
Alabama: we could still have a democratic senator if Howell Heflin had stayed. He died in 2005, and a special election would probably have been held in 2006. Since 2006 was a good democratic year, we would probably still have a democratic senator
Arizona: Dennis DeConcini might still be in office had he not retired in 1994
Arkansas: If Dale Bumpers hadn't of retired in 1998, he would definitely still be in office. It is a plus that he is more liberal than Blanche Lincoln.
Florida: We would have two democratic senators if Bob Graham hadn't of retired
Georgia: Sam Nunn probably would still be in office if he had not retired
Indiana: Evan Bayh would still be in office if he hadn't of retired
Kentucky: Wendell Ford would still be in office if he hadn't of retired
Louisiana: John Breaux might still be in office if he hadn't of retired
Missouri: If Thomas Eagleton had never retired, we would have two democratic senators. He died in 2007 and since that was a good democratic year, the seat would have remained democratic in a special election
Nebraska: If James Exon had never retired, we would probably have two democratic senators. He died in 2005, and a special election would have been held in 2006, where we probably would have kept the seat
Nevada: We would have two democratic senators if Richard Bryan hadn't of retired
North Carolina: we might have two democratic senators if John Edwards hadn't of retired
North Dakota: Byron Dorgan MIGHT have survived 2010 if he hadn't of retired
Ohio: John Glenn would probably still be senator had he not retired in 1998
Oklahoma: David Boren would still be senator had he not retired
South Carolina: Fritz Hollings would probably still be a senator had he not retired
Tennessee: If Bill Clinton hadn't of picked Al Gore for VP, he would probably still be senator
Texas: If Lloyd Bentsen hadn't have retired in the 1990s, he would have been senator till he died. He died in 2006, and since 2006 was a good democratic year, the seat would probably remain democratic