This article, from
Bloomberg Markets Magazine, has been discussed in a previous thread. I am adding a new link.
Previous thread:
Corporate pigs offering colleges big bucks to serve up Ayn Rand-flavored KoolaidFrom today's
Washington Post:
College gifts now come with strings attached
By Seth Lubove and Oliver Staley, Published: May 14
John Allison, former chairman of bank holding company BB&T, admires author Ayn Rand so much that he devised a strategy to spread her laissez-faire principles on U.S. campuses. Allison, working through the BB&T Charitable Foundation, gives schools grants of as much as $2 million if they agree to create a course on capitalism and make Rand’s masterwork, “Atlas Shrugged,” required reading.
Allison’s crusade to counter what he considers the anti-capitalist orthodoxy at universities has produced results — and controversy. About 60 schools, including at least four campuses of the University of North Carolina, began teaching Rand’s book after getting the foundation money. Faculty at several schools that have accepted Allison’s terms are protesting, saying donors shouldn’t have the power to set the curriculum to pursue their political agendas.
“We have sought out professors who wanted to teach these ideas,” said Allison, now a professor at Wake Forest University’s business school in Winston-Salem, N.C. “It’s really a battle of ideas. If the ideas that made America great aren’t heard, then their influence will be destroyed."