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Disaster Capitalism; Japan/TEPCO style

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robdogbucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-15-11 05:17 PM
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Disaster Capitalism; Japan/TEPCO style
Monday, May 16, 2011


The new enervated Tepco


"...Although the government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco), the operator of the ill-fated plant, have worked out plans to pay compensation to victims of the crisis, it appears they are interested less in protecting people from radiation than in preserving the existing semi-monopolistic system of the power industry and in enabling the government of Prime Minister Naoto Kan to survive...

...Even by selling its assets and cutting executive and employee remuneration, Tepco would not be able to pay all compensation claims resulting from the Fukushima plant accidents. The eventual financial burden would be borne by people in the form of taxes and higher electricity rates...

...Tepco is now attempting to divert public opinion away from its responsibility for the nuclear crisis to the need to secure a stable supply of electricity. Shortly after its Fukushima power station was damaged, the company announced that it would have to impose "planned rolling power outages" to make up for reduced power generation. By emphasizing that abandoning nuclear power generation would lead to prolonged outages, Tepco sought to convince the public that it is better to rely on nuclear power generation than endure power outages and that it is time to help Tepco with public funds. This is an ultimate form of defiance by Tepco...

...Tepco's corporate structural problem, which led to the Fukushima accidents, surfaced in the spring of 2002 when a whistle-blower revealed that Tepco managers had covered up troubles found at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant and falsified reports to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry..."

Fukushima / Deadly Silence

May 15, 2011 11:00 AM
TEPCO Concealed High Radiation Data From Employees Sent Into Fukushima Plant

By Susie Madrak
This means the area surrounding the Fukushima plant should have been evacuated right away -- but wasn't. And this, of course, is the problem when something as potentially catastrophic as a nuclear power plant is run by the private sector, whose executives define safety standards as buying enough politicians to cover your ass.

"Tokyo Electric Power Co. concealed data showing spikes in radiation levels at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March, one day before a hydrogen explosion injured seven workers. The Asahi Shimbun obtained a 100-page internal TEPCO report containing minute-to-minute data on radiation levels at the plant as well as pressure and water levels inside the No. 3 reactor from March 11 to April 30.

The data has never been released by the company that operates the stricken plant.

The unpublished information shows that at 1:17 p.m. on March 13, 300 millisieverts of radiation per hour was detected inside a double-entry door at the No. 3 reactor building. At 2:31 p.m., the radiation level was measured at 300 millisieverts or higher per hour to the north of the door.

Both levels were well above the upper limit of 250 millisieverts for an entire year under the plant's safety standards for workers. But the workers who were trying to bring the situation under control at the plant were not informed of the levels."

Just some more Extreme Enviroweenie Biased Claptrap


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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-15-11 05:30 PM
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1. TEPCO exposed CorpThink
They don't give a fig about the population and they pass the buck for their disaster to the people.

Thank you for another outstanding post, robdogbucky.
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robdogbucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-15-11 06:59 PM
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2. Former governor of Fukushima appears to be another victim of TEPCO's greed

Japan nuclear crisis was 'avoidable'

Ex-Fukushima governor says crisis could have been averted had power company taken steps.
Last Modified: 04 May 2011 10:24

This is a 2:45 minute video interview of former governor (Sato?):

The former governor of Fukushima - a long-time critic of the nuclear industry – insists that the power company had an opportunity to implement measures that would have averted the crisis.

As frantic measures are under way to cool down the quake-stricken reactors, sentiment on Japan’s streets are heating up. In a country where nuclear power was once synonymous with development and success, vocal opposition to atomic power is gaining momentum.

Al Jazeera’s Divya Gopalan filed this story.

Just more Extreme Enviroweenie Biased Claptrap


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marions ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-15-11 08:50 PM
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3. so even while the executives
are kneeling before the evacuees, they are committing "sins of omission" right and left...

If they're so interested in securing a stable supply of electricity, they'd better switch to plan B (non-nuclear).
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