Newt says Obama is the food stamp President because now we have 47 Million people in the US using food stamps. That's 1 in 6 Americans.
Ok, lets examine that for just a moment. Has the number grown because of massive spending programs enacted to force people to use a new and improved food stamp program? No. Is it because that Government cheese tastes so good and Obama felt the need to spread it further? No.
Maybe, just maybe, the reason the food stamp program is used by so many Americans today is from other causes than our soshulust commie Pres. Maybe the extensive use of food stamps is because for the last 30 years our Government has waged war on the lower 99% of our population. Maybe it's because we have exported so many jobs. Maybe it's because our unemployment rate hovers at 9% caused by that outsourcing and corporate greed.
Sorry Newt. Obama is not the food stamp President. You and your ilk have driven the use of the food stamp program by policy choices YOUR party has forced over the last 30 years.