Republicans say that after last fall's historic election, they have a mandate to balance the federal budget, by trimming social programs and cutting wasteful spending. But voters, apparently, have a different idea for bringing controlling the debt. The poll shows that a solid majority of respondents--61 percent--would raise taxes on the wealthy as the "first step" in balancing the budget. Even a plurality--46 percent--of people making more than $100,000 a year agree. Among all respondents, soaking the rich is followed by cutting defense spending (20 percent), cutting Medicare (4 percent), and cutting Social Security (3 percent) as the best ways to begin tackling the country's budget problem.
Naturally, liberal bloggers are jumping on these numbers.
Read article @ following link:;_ylt=AsUkiraXQsrpATfeLbs4iU.yFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTN1a2JqYWlsBGFzc2V0A2F0bGFudGljLzIwMTEwMTAzL2xpYmVyYWxzc2VpemVvbm5ld3BvbGxhbWVyaWNhbnN3YW50dG90YXh0aGVyaWNoNjQxNARwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA2xpYmVyYWxzc2Vpeg--