Thanks to a posting here on DU that actually contained a LINK (which seems to be a rarity these days), I read about the Carter Foundation's efforts to eradicate a major human parasite just by filtering drinking water. wanted to learn more about it, so I Googled "guinea worm" and stumbled across this:'s put this into perspective. On the one hand, we have a "Leftist" group working to make life better for millions of people and eradicate a human parasite that has caused human suffering with no apparent benefits to the eco-system for recorded thousands of years.
On the other hand, we have another "Leftist" group trying to "save" the parasite in the name of "bio-diversity". Even though we have carefully studied the life cycle and there is no evidence that this parasite provides any positive impact on the eco-system. In fact, it has been eradicated in several eco-systems and the results have been quite positive.
This is why so many people vilify the "Left". Because those of us who are serious Liberals and/or Progressives who are seeking real, serious improvement have allowed crazy fringe groups to be identified with more serious groups.
I am a Liberal and a Progressive. But I am not a member of PETA, I am not a radical Vegan who insists no one should eat meat (I believe it's a personal choice), I am not a member of ELF although I support environmental issues, and I support bio-diversity although I certainly do not support saving the Guinea Worm.
I AM a Leftist. I AM a Liberal. I AM a Progressive. I WILL NOT let someone else tell me that I am not because I don't fit into their own personal pigeon-hole.
I WILL NOT allow someone else to define me.