Edited on Tue Jan-04-11 11:21 AM by freshwest
It's a full media press from their think tanks and propagandizers to vilify and point fingers at unions and public workers.
The public employees are not perfect, but their salaries and everything are public record and voted on in that nasty, mob mentality that is democracy. And they speak about things like benefits, wages, overtime, keeping public options for health care and other means of putting sunlight on how government is run.
(sarcasm alert)
They even advocate the care of the unworthy poor and disabled and put their own money into making up the shortfalls. How very stupid of them.
Don't they know how wrong it is to help those groups, who are just parasites according to Ayn Rand, Tea Party goddess?
And not only that, they are union which means they are familiar with the words of Marx, aren't they? Which means they are for that fillthy collective the goddess warned them about that which must be destroyed!!!
(sarcasm off)
For that and the rest of their statist, liberal and progressive crimes against 'liberty,' they are traitors to the McCarthyism we are being inundated with by the Koch funders of the John Birch society, whose members are now being listened to with respect the 'patriot movement' on conspiracy radio.
So-called progressive media has encouraged us to mock and laugh, but I've heard this stuff and the code words are what they rallied about. That and Obama's Kenyan citizenship and his family full of communists. And they voted in droves to prevent the New World Order but ironically empowered the groups they feared. Their slavish devotion to corporatism through destroying the commons and privatization is bringing it about.
The Tea Partiers cross their fingers in front of their eyes like the peasants in a Monty Python skit, because such frightening words as socialism, working class, labor, overtime, etc. are all anathema. Now, if we'll just privatize and get rid of them, we'll be right in that fascist (per definition) utopia for unbridled capitalism, free trade out the kazoo world they're dragging us back to.
Now the push is on to finish the last vestiges of environmental and worker safety in the name of cost-cutting and de-regulation. All roads lead to death with them, not protecting anything alive, yet they've brushed these public employees with their own terrors learned at the hands of corporatism and cronyism and endless wars to devour their young taking us to their Crap Sack World trophism.
Oh, and they are going to continue to honor only one spark of life, in the womb, even those are subject to the free market, as we should not give pre-natal care because those unborn babies need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. After that, better hit the ground running. And your mom, if her life wasn't lived according to the scriptures, deserves nothing but disdain and so do their young. Those kids are starting out with a lot of strikes against them in a world that doesn't value their lives except for the money that can be made off of them.
Honestly, the public worker has seen the writing on the wall for a long time now. I've known teachers and other people who put in long hours and their entire working career helping children grow up with a sense of hope and belief in equality, now see that their dream is being destroyed.
One such man told me in shock, I wonder if I should have done this with my life at all, as I could have a retirement and more money if I'd devoted my life to something that paid a lot more and gave me more economic freedom. That was after 40 years of giving disabled children a way to go, to have dignity and a worthwhile life, to treat well those who are among the 'least of us.'
So now after all their heart and their love for their fellow man, they are being discarded and spat upon at the same time, so it's easy for me to see how it all became way too much.
Okay, off the soap box. I enjoy both your and Hannah's posts and threads a lot. We've got the fight of our lives on our hands, but then it always was this way, every generation. Later, folks.