New Congress likely full of brimstone, talk, little changeBy David Lightman and William Douglas | McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Monday, January 3, 2011
WASHINGTON — Get ready for some slam-bang action from the new Republican-led House of Representatives after the 112th Congress convenes Wednesday: It's going to read the entire Constitution aloud, try to repeal the new health care law and cut federal spending dramatically.
But despite what's likely to be a January full of big talk, big votes and big ideas, the most important policy decisions are unlikely for several weeks and months, and then only after some titanic power struggles.
While House Republicans will have a 242-to-193 majority, the biggest GOP margin since the first Truman administration, any legislation must be approved by the Democratic-dominated Senate and signed by President Barack Obama.
As a result, "what you're going to see at first is a lot of fire and brimstone, and votes on symbolically important legislation," veteran budget analyst Stan Collender said.
House Republicans are dominated by 85 freshmen, most loyal to the conservative grass-roots tea party movement. While loosely organized, movement backers want a more limited form of government.