The Cynical War on Public Sector Workers
By Matthew Rothschild
Editor of The Progressive
January 4, 2011
In the ruling class’s endless strategy of divide and conquer, its current tactic of pitting public sector workers against those in the private sector is gaining ground.This assault on public workers is happening in one state after another around the country.
“This is a concerted, deep attack on public employees and public workers," Gerald W. McEntee, president of the 1.6-million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), told the Washington Post last month.
First, as McEntee noted, “The problem in the economy has not been created by public workers. It was created by Wall Street.”
.... the attack on public sector workers is an attack on the idea that there should be a decent middle class in this country.
If everyone’s wages and benefits have to be reduced to those offered by the stingiest private sector boss, you can kiss the middle class goodbye.
Those who rig the system and reward themselves would rather that workers fought among themselves than focused their anger upwards.Read the full article at: