Mom #2 as we called her called a few months later and had found out she was dying. She talked about going home to see 'Elle' my mom's nickname that she and her kids called mom.
I was standing there by her bed and she called her daughter into the room to tell me something.
Right after mom died she had called me all upset - she had lost the friendship ring mom had given her, somewhere between wal-mart and Logan's steak house (I think that was where they were at having dinner when she called).
Now months later she had her daughter and husband tell me about their day:
"Jackie was going to do dishes and there was your mom's ring, sitting there in the middle of the sink" Then her husband told me how he had lost the remote for the garage last year and was sitting on the porch and saw it just sitting there on the lawn - still worked. He had cut the grass many times and never saw it, and he felt that Elle had left it there for him.
About two weeks later Mary died. She was shown in the same casket mom was at the same funeral home (both were cremated so they were able to be shown in the same casket)
I'll never forget how happy she was that last time I saw her and told me about how mom was calling her home and left the ring and garage door opener there for them.
Silly to some perhaps, but that day I knew Mary was ready to go. No fear in her eyes, just joy and hoping to see mom. I was at home, on a conference call for work when I saw the ambulance stop at her house and pick her up. I could tell she was gone when they took her out of the house.