OK, since I cannot assume what people will think, I make the following disclaimer: it is not productive to call someone a "slut", especially in politics. Frankly, if we could get to the point where anyone, especially women, could feel as free to fornicate as much as they wanted to, without fear of guilt or shame, we might become halfway civilized. I also think that, as long as consenting adults are involved, it does not, should not matter who anyone is sleeping with. This is very true of folks like Ingraham, who , when they bully and cover up for Racism and worship of rich people, offer any worthy with ten thousand better insults to hang around their neck!
That being said, it is an outright joke that Left-wing pundits are made to fall on their sword, while right wing pundits do not even pretend to apologize for their behavior. Let us take MSNBC itself. Keith does something legal and common, and is made to go. Ed does something admittedly stupid, and is made to go, meanwhile, in this same week, they hire on Michael Steele, the fellow known for using political funds to go to Bondage clubs! Let's be honest, if Rachel Maddow was found wearing so much as a leather dominatrix cap (like the sort made popular by everyone from Madonna to Gaga) she would get vilified in a way much more severe than Laura ever did, but Mike can come on even though he is suspected of criminal acts, and is damned well guilty of things that should be embarrassing.
It's one thing to get mad at ED, but let us keep our eyes open, the enemy is not trying to be fair, they know that their audience already knows how to hate, because they have been told by their churches and bosses who to hate. Newt and Arnold could, as they say in Louisiana, get caught in bed with a dead girl and a live boy, and somehow, the GOP would try to rebuild them, and yes, they would get their comeback. However, no comeback for anyone on the left. You do not even have to prove anything, just give people the chance to bark and howl. It is the same reason that, even though Obama is pulling his own party to the right, he will always be considered that Kenyan Muslim guy. Logic, fairness, justice, means NOTHING anymore, it is just a sauce.
Yes, I want to have standards, no, I do not want to stoop to GOP lows, though frankly, I am not above that anymore. What I am saying is to beware, beware that the GOP will know exactly what notes to strum, especially as miss laura makes the rounds; the woman who would deny abortion rights, who speaks of brown women as if they should be grateful to be hated and treated like crap, will look like joan of arc. Do not buy it