WASHINGTON -- Former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) demanded cuts in Social Security Wednesday while lashing out at Republican strategist Grover Norquist, the AARP, "the cat food commission cats" and "sharpshooters" at The Huffington Post.
Speaking before a luncheon sponsored by former Wall Street tycoon Pete Peterson's foundation, Simpson, a Republican appointed by President Barack Obama to co-chair a bipartisan commission on the federal debt, accused Norquist of being "a nut" and repeatedly harped on a new, misleading statistic about Social Security.
"Now the great sharpshooters are out there and the cat food commission cats and all those guys using these distorted figures," Simpson told the crowd. "And I always say, look, if you torture statistics long enough, eventually they'll confess."
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/alan-simpson-social-security_n_867110.htmlhahaha. He knows we call it the Cat Food Commission!