Fox News Business is running a week-long attack on the social safety net, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, labeling beneficiaries of these programs "takers." This messaging comes on the heels of a National Bureau of Economic Research study that concluded that these programs are highly effective at keeping people out of poverty
After A Report Concluding That Public Programs Are Very Effective At Reducing Poverty ...
CBPP: "The Poverty Rate Would Double Without" Public Assistance Programs. From a blog post by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, commenting on a National Bureau of Economic Research study on social safety net programs:
With anti-poverty programs under serious attack in Washington, here's something to keep in mind: a major new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) finds that public programs keep one in six Americans out of poverty -- primarily the elderly, disabled, and working poor -- and that the poverty rate would double without these programs.