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Let’s see: Voters don’t seem to like cuts to Medicare, cuts to education, or tax cuts for the rich.

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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-11 07:52 PM
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Let’s see: Voters don’t seem to like cuts to Medicare, cuts to education, or tax cuts for the rich.
In a New York election, talking back to the Tea Party
By E.J. Dionne Jr., Published: May 25

Let’s see: Voters don’t seem to like cuts to Medicare, cuts to education, or tax cuts for the rich. So what are “the people” trying to say?

From the beginning, too many Republicans (and too many in the media) saw the Tea Party as a broadly based movement whose extreme anti-government views reflected the popular will.

This was never true. The Tea Party consisted of citizens on the right end of politics who were always there but got angrier and better organized after Obama was elected. They crowded the polling places on Nov. 2 while progressives found other things to do. The Tea Partyers were joined in voting Republican by many middle-of-the-road Americans understandably unhappy with the state of politics and the economy.

But those middle-of-the-roaders never bargained for what Paul Ryan — or Govs. Rick Scott, John Kasich of Ohio or Scott Walker of Wisconsin — had in mind for them. Now they’re talking back. They’re not as loud as the Tea Party. But as Hochul’s victory showed, they’re starting to be heard.

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Drale Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-11 08:14 PM
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1. They may not be as loud as the tea party
or have their lovers in the M$M but once you get the tsunami that is the American public moving together in one direction, there is no way to stop it.
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