These are conflicting polls. When asked people will say the rich need to pay more...but when asked about raising their own taxes that's another story. There's also the conflict of the real problem of the government's revenue problem...spending too much (sorry, the truth) and decreasing revenues due to tax breaks not just to the rich (who benefit the most) but across the board. One reason President Obama didn't let the booosh cuts for the rich expire was the impact it would have on all...leading to a tax increase on the working class (there is no more Middle class...either you've got money or you don't) that would lead to one of the Democrats biggest fears: being labeled "tax and spend".
What "the people" (whomever what you make believe it to be) want is and can be skewed when you exclude the individual being asked. They think the government spends too much but when you ask what to cut, you get different answers from different people. Democrats aren't sleep walking, they're sitting back and watching the rushpublicans implode. As the old saying goes, when your adversary is getting beating themselves up, don't let them stop. It's a loooooooooooong 18 months til the next poll that matters...the 2012 elections and what "the people" think is important today (or what the corporate media or whomever deems "the people" to be) will surely be a lot different when the ballots are cast next year.