Rush Limbaugh: GOP and Dems Both Fear Palin by Hiram Reisner
(Newsmax, May 27, 2011)“You know the effect that (Palin) has on establishment Republican people,” Limbaugh continued. “They’re just as
frightened in their own way as the Democrats are of Palin and one thing I think is inescapable — particularly in looking at the Democrats — the Democrats and the media will always tell you who they are
afraid of by virtue of who they spend time trying to destroy.”
By the same token, when Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels was flirting with getting in, The Washington Post and The New York Times were saying “this is the one Obama really
fears,” trying to goad him into the race, Limbaugh said.
“It was really convoluted thinking — but the bottom line is she
scares them — she also
scares the Republican establishment,” he said. “But so (do) some other potential Republican candidates.”
Van Susteren asked which other conservative candidates are
feared. Limbaugh cited former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, noting, "Bachmann especially. Anybody who is tea party oriented is going to
send some chills down the spines of both Democrat and Republican establishments. There’s something about the tea party that
frightens them and I think it’s the direct connection with the American people.”
It was the idea of anyone at all "fearing" Rick Santorum that gave me a fit of the giggles. According to Rush, Democrats (and apparently republicans as well) "fear" Santorum in the same way that they "fear" Bachmann and are "terrified" by Palin. My goodness. The wingnut obsession with
fear, fear, fear is certainly on full display here. But what stupid people to claim are so scary! We might as well start saying that wingnuts are "terrified" of Michael Moore, or George Soros. Oh, wait a minute.
And by the way, what exactly is this "direct connection with the American people" that is so scary about the TPers? I don't see any connection at all between the baggers and Americans myself.