The GOP leaders live in an echo chamber - admittedly a richer echo chamber than the average FReeper.
Ryan and the rest are clueless as to why "seniors" (those over 55, to them) are upset with ending Medicare for others. From today's Washington Post:
While even GOP strategists acknowledged that the Medicare proposal played a large role in Corwin’s loss to Democrat Kathy Hochul (for the U.S. House seat vacated by Republican Chris Lee), Ryan was adamant that the vote did not amount to a negative judgment on the plan.
“If you can scare seniors into thinking that their current benefits are being affected, that’s going to have an effect,” Ryan said in the aftermath of Corwin’s loss. “And that is exactly what took place here.”
I for one appreciate that Rep. Ryan admits his proposal is "scary." Indeed it is. Be that as it may, however, he also assumes that just because those now receiving Medicare will be OK, they don't care about others to follow - namely, their children and grandchildren, and others who will live in the USA mid-21st century and beyond.
(By the way, current recipients would NOT be OK; among other things, the Ryan proposal would end the closing of the "doughnut hole" for Medicare recipients impoverished by the high cost of prescription drugs. You can look it up.)
But the bottom line is that the GOP is amazed that the people of our nation - not the tea partiers, or Fox News sycophants, but actual sentient beings - might possibly care about others in the USA. Even those not as privileged as the Koch brothers. Imagine that. They need to get out more, I think.