Edited on Fri May-27-11 11:29 PM by center rising
Winners and losers for the week. Winners; 1, Kathy Hochul. The Democrats picked up a big one in a heavily Republican 26th district as Hochul beat Republican Jane Corwin and Tea Party candidate Jack Davis. Seems that Medicare is a huge issue which the people don't want touched and that was the downfall of the Republicans. Republicans tried to downplay Hochul's victory on Tuesday, but without much success. Hopefully the Democrats will continue to beat the Republicans over the head with this issue.
2, Benjamin Netanyahu. Like him or not, the guy was treated like a rock star after his speech to Congress this week. He spoke frankly and openly about the daunting challenges facing Israel and the Palestinians. He said the 1967 borders is a non-starter, Jerusalem will always be the capitol of Israel, and laid down a challenge to Mahmood Abbas to renounce Hamas and recognize Israel's right to exist. 26 standing ovations in a 50 minute speech is something even Obama doesn't get.
3, Dallas, Miami, Vancouver and Boston. Those are the teams left respectively in the NBA and NHL playoffs. Congrats to all of them for making it to the finals of both leagues. Hopefully, some exciting games are in store.
Losers; 1, Paul Ryan. Ever since last Tuesday's special election Democratic win, Republicans are scampering away from this man left and right. Ryan is the architect of doing away with Medicare for a voucher system. Ryan whined about the Democrats trying to scare seniors, and in the end, Harry Reid brought the Ryan budget up for a vote, and it lost 57-40. Not a good week for Mr Ryan
2, Eric Cantor. This asshole basically told the tornado ravaged victims of Joplin Missouri to pound sand when he said that any federal relief efforts given out must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere. I wonder how Cantor would feel if his district in Virginia were hit by a EF-5 tornado that destroyed everything in its path?? Really, this guy is a tool!!!
3, Ed Schultz. Schultz was suspended from MSNBC this week for calling Laura Ingraham a "slut". Now Ingraham is a lot of things, and none of them are good. As a conservative, she leaves a lot to be desired because she's wrong 99% of the time, but Ed has got to learn to control his mouth!! C'mon Ed, you do not need to get down in the mud like you do. Disagree with Ingraham on the issues, but calling someone a slut on the air...Nope!!!!