urban & rural schools) & move up the food chain.
you still don't get it?
it's the "first they came for the...." axiom in action.
as schools and districts are picked off & as more people get a vested interest in "alternatives" to public ed (as users, employees, administrators, suppliers, 'shareholders' etc) -- in TFA, in charter schools, in voucher systems, in distance ed - traditional public ed will be progressively defunded at the federal & state level and those funds will be moved into these "choices". But less of that money will actually enter classrooms or pay salaries/benefits for ordinary employees.
Instead, a significant slice will be creamed off for what is essentially profit (even though filtered through various 'fronts'.)
But outright profit is coming sooner or later.
What people don't seem to get is that ed deform is not just a US initiative -- it's a *global corporate* initiative. That's why we're seeing teachers protesting the robbery of their salaries & benefits in phony austerity drives or structural shakeups on every continent. Ed deform & privatization has been underway in africa for over a decade, for example. It's in full swing in England. Has been ongoing in "socialist" Sweden for years.
For-profit education management corporations with a global scope
already exist. They are running schools in africa, in europe, in latin america -- and even in the US.
Do you really think they're going to stop short at NY Harbor? The writing's on the wall.
So no, your (royal 'your') nice suburban district isn't safe. "Local" schools, where you can run for a seat on the board & go down & chat with a principal who grew up in the same neighborhood are going to become a thing of the past. The only people who will have that 'luxury' will be those with the money to pay for it.
The rest of us will have the "choice" between globocorp A & globocorp B. Their distance ed option, or their large computer lab option, the prison/ghetto option for the 1%-ers, the "juku" option, the "christian" option, the "muslim" option, the "catholic" option, trade option, "gifted" option, disabled warehousing option -- a nice little menu of consumer "choices" segmented by target population/income level. All provided by the same globocorps.
And if you want any input into curriculum or classroom practice or anything else -- you will have to pay for it. Teachers will be teaching from a script which they'll be fired if they diverge from, talking to them will gain you nothing. No individualized attention for your little Nancy or Jimmy. Principals will be like corporate managers, moving from one insitution to another with little attachment to place, subservient to the corporate chain of command, their main interest being to climb higher in that chain.
You'll have about as much real "choice" as you do between telecom companies, and about as much pull.
And the implications for our democracy, such as it is, are profoundly disturbing. Whatever the flaws of public ed, and there are many, it has been, at its best, a democratizing force and an equalizing force. And that power, even if lost sometimes in practice, nevertheless remained in structural potential.
What is going to replace it has *no* potential for anything similar, no matter how the deformers talk up "choice". The "choice" they are talking about is the choice of the capitalist marketplace, where the more money you have, the more "choice" you have. period.
If you're actually interested, here's something starry messenger & i wrote about ed deform in britain:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x9314623Privateers Ahoy! The International Charter School Movement (Part I)
The British Teachers' Union & its supporters have blown the cover of the wolf who pretends to be grandma -- the school privatization/charter school movement.
Contra the warm-hearted mom-&-pop image the charter school movement tries to cultivate in the US, a backgrounder by the "Anti-Academies" group in Britain exposes the British movement’s relationship to global capital and the world of high finance -- as well as its global ambitions and links to the US charter school movement.
In the Anti-Academies report we learn that the British school "reform" movement is being steered by the same kind of hedge funds, management corporations, & investment firms steering the US version — & in some cases, the very *same* firms.
These organisations seek a "radically expanded role" in the English education system and openly declare their goal to be privatization, deeming education in the UK a "£100 billion market."
Global elites are currently engaged in restructuring the global marketplace. Of course they can't say so; they have to pretend the changes they're making have some noble, unselfish goal that is for everyone's benefit.
But they are fucking liars.