Maybe he should donate his campaign money to the EPA??
My guess is that he did not mention his vote slashing of EPA funds in his shrilling!
It would be grand (and dream) if the msm in PA would put this headline into all the news-print and media in PA!--just to show what a complete hypocrite is jerk is! Voting To Slash Funding For The EPA, Rep. Barletta Now Outraged It’s Not Doing More In His District
Three months after voting to eliminate funding for the Environmental Protection Agency, Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) now says he’s outraged that the EPA isn’t doing more to protect the health of residents in his district. Barletta is insisting that the agency pay special attention to an area in Pittson, PA, after one resident alleged that a tunnel near a Superfund site gave him cancer. The EPA held an open house and information session to address the concerns of residents in the area, but said it did not plan to conduct further testing. This outraged Barletta, who called their decision “unacceptable”:
On Wednesday, Barletta sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson asking the agency to perform additional testing in the Carroll/Mill Street neighborhood.<...>“Frankly, this is unacceptable. The EPA’s own Web site indicates that one of the agency’s primary reasons for existence is to ensure that ‘all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work.’”<...>