soot traps, regen systems and the related hoopla with its mind shattering technical difficulties. The Wiki says that this doesn't work and the Wiki needs to do some editing asap cuz it is here, it works and it isn't going away. The person who wrote the Wiki doesn't know how to differentiate between free energy and enhanced combustion... too bad for him. Fuel usage can be reduced by 10% or more, mileage can be increased by 20% or more.
The big three have missed the boat in this area but that hasn't stopped people who dare to step outside the box of conventional thinking from going forward and doing the required science to bring this into the mainstream. It couldn't have come at a better time both for our children's lungs and the planets ecosystem. Present day emissions control systems pretty much suck and they cost more than they should. IMHO they should go the way of the horse and buggy and the sooner the better. fuel enhancement from electrolysis (utilizing automotive alternators) has been promoted for use with diesel trucks,<10><11><12> although electrolysis-based designs have been repeatedly debunked. Recent tests by consumer watch groups have shown negative results.<13><14><15> <16> Because it requires as much energy to separate hydrogen from oxygen as would be gained from burning the hydrogen produced in this method, the concept of such a device is often stated to be in direct violation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Proponents (who?) claim that the dynamics are often misconstrued, and due to the chemical properties of the resulting mixture, it is possible to gain efficiency increases in a manner that does not violate any scientific laws.