MADISON - At the request of constituents and other legislators, I have redrafted this Senate Joint Resolution to amend our State Constitution: this revised SJR will guarantee that all employees in Wisconsin may collectively bargain. The original draft of this Constitutional Amendment stated this right in terms of public employees only.
The recent passage of a bill that effectively eliminates collective bargaining for most public employees has put Wisconsinites through a traumatic period of our history. The bill is currently being litigated in the courts, and its passage has even fomented unprecedented attempts to recall elected officials.
People have expressed concern that the elimination of collective bargaining for public employees was only the first step, and that the right of non-public employees to collectively bargain may be next to be modified or even endangered.
The people of Wisconsin should not have to wonder each time there is a change in the majority parties in our government, whether the ability to collectively bargain will likewise change.
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Sounds like a good first bill to hand Walker after the Repuke Senators are recalled!