Only in the last 10 years (a virtual blink of an eye in scientific terms) have we had access to information and technology that could verify or refute various models of the sun. The information that Rhessi, SOHO and Trace and Yohkoh offer us today however sticks out like a gigantic sore thumb in the gas model theory, and provides very compelling evidence to suggest that Galileo was quite wrong in his assumption that no solids existed under the photosphere. Modern satellite images lend strong support to Dr. Birkeland's electrically conductive, solid surface model of the sun. In fact, many of the image that Birkeland produced in his lab in the 20th century have 21st century satellite image counterparts.
The uniform movement of this iron layer of the sun suggests that we must boldly rethink our views about the sun, and the universe we live in and come up with new models that explain the observations that new technology from the SOHO, Rhessi, Geos, Yohkoh and TRACE satellites lay before us.
The Surface Of The Sun
Based on running difference imaging techniques, SOHO has demonstrated that the the sun has a solid, electrically conductive, ferrite surface, just below the observable photosphere which rotates uniformly every 27.3 days. The uniformity of this movement is unlike anything we find in the photosphere. It's rigid. It moves UNIFORMLY from equator to pole. It is being dynamically reshaped and eroded by continual electrical arcing between magnetically polarized points along the surface. These arcs emit light consistent with a number of iron ferrite ions, suggesting this surface is composed of ferrite based materials.
This electrical erosion process continually eats away at the surface like an arc welder melts the ends of a welding rod and the surface where the arc touches. Eventually the surface is melted away, sometimes along very long "fault lines" ultimately resulting in cracks along the surface and "sunquakes". Sometimes these resulting sunquakes release massive solar tsunamis that are visible across the sun's photosphere and result in enormous coronal ejections and massive prominence eruptions such as this one on June 28th 1945.