I am much more "disappointed" with being lied to about the reasons for wars, the need to cut social programs, how tax cuts create revenue and jobs, how a Supreme Court justice can lie about his spouse's income and will be impartial in ruling on health care when he contributed money against it, that Planned Parenthood traffics children, that Obama wants to destroy America, that the Ryan plan is not a voucher program,...the list is too long to write. This man has done enormous good for the people of this country and has fought harder than most Democrats against the lies of the right and the harm they wish to do. Perhaps the confidence and arrogance that served him well in taking on that fight led to this mistake in his personal life. If a Senator who set up meetings with prostitutes during roll call votes and was a client of prostitutes can continue to serve, Congressman Weiner should continue to serve. If a Speaker of the House who committed adultery multiple times could continue to serve and now run for President, Mr. Weiner should continue to serve.