">Calif. Supreme Court approves warrantless data seizures by police
If you're arrested in California, data stored on your mobile phone, tablet or other portable computing devices could be seized by police without so much as a search warrant.If Wikileaks proved anything it's that governments reserve the right to tell any lie, keep any secret they want and now, with this ruling, it is clear that governments also feel the forth amendment has had its day as well and individuals no longer have a right to privacy.
The Constitution clearly says:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated... Clearly establishing a right to privacy. At the same time the Constitution says absolutely nothing about corporations having "rights." Yet in this topsy turvy world, there is no right of privacy for individuals but there is a right of free speech for corporations. There is a right to secrecy and the telling of lies by government but no right of privacy for the individual.
Slowly the fascist corporate and government elements in this country are winning the battle. Slowly insanity is becoming the rule and not the exception.