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Issa the Inquisitor Goes to Hollywood

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Donnachaidh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-11 11:01 AM
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Issa the Inquisitor Goes to Hollywood

What's the worst thing about Darrell Issa's debut as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee? It could be his relentless, Gloria Swansonish, "I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille" self promotion. It might be his manic insistence that he'll conduct "hundreds" of investigations, or his letters to lobbyists offering to put his new powers at their disposal. Or maybe it's his "hang 'em first and try 'em later" attitude toward the administration. It's certainly ironic that his first act as head of the committee that investigates misuse of government funds seems to have been... to misuse government funds.

Sure, they're all bad. But the worst of all may be this: Issa's making it clear that he'll use his position to cover up Wall Street's role in destroying the economy, and that he'll resist any attempts to rein in the corporate misbehavior that puts us all at risk. That's a shame: Issa once seemed like a fair-minded, independent voice, and he could have made an important contribution in his new position. Instead he's becoming a tinpot Torquemada bent on harassing and punishing anyone who tries to thwart corporate America's will.

Issa has announced that he intends to investigate WikiLeaks, Fannie Mae, Afghanistan, how regulation affects job creation, food and drug recalls, what the last episode of Lost really meant, and whether Yoko broke up the Beatles.

Okay, maybe he didn't mention the last two. But Issa's on record as saying that, while he listed six targets of investigation, he could have listed sixty -- "or six hundred, perhaps." In fact, says Issa, "there is so much in government that in the next two years even if we did a hearing every single day on every single subcommittee, we couldn't do all the areas of waste, fraud and abuse..."

More at the link --
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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-11 11:03 AM
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1. Look in the mirror moran!
You will see a total waste!
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