To the repugs it's just like they're reading a grocery list..But..Why?
Hare conducted a case study involving a man named Al who had 46 criminal convictions. This study appeared as a PBS documentary in 2007. The experiment used a language test that involved a listening device. The study sought to determine whether abnormalities in brain processing are present in individuals with antisocial personality disorder. Results from the experiment revealed language to be processed in both of Al's brain hemispheres, as opposed to the left-brain processing inherent in individuals who don't have this condition. A second experiment with Al sought to explain the robotic emotional expression that appear in individuals with sociopathic characteristics. Emotional response recording showed no change in response when Al was shown emotional words versus being shown neutral words. Hare associates the sociopath's apparent lack of fear with his tendency toward insensitivity, as well as with an inability to learn from experience.
Read more: Sociopathic Experiments |