Looks like the news editor working on cablegate at Aftenposten had his machine hacked. This is the article in Norwegian, no translation yet:
Aftenpostens nyhetsredaktør utsatt for hackerangrep
– Kan ikke utelukke sammenheng med avisens Wikileaks-dekning.
http://mobil.tv2.no/nyhetene/innenriks/aftenpostens-nyhetsredaktoer-utsatt-for-hackerangrep-3381765.htmlWhen I run the first few graphs through babylon, the only thing I understand is that the editor got an email from someone posing as a foreign journalist and believes that's how they got in.
"Is nyhetsredaktør Ole Erik considerable was Thursday delayed for a dataangrep: This is happening in a period where Aftenposten has published a number of articles based on Wikileaks' leaks. "My PC was today are exposed to a so-called dataangrep. It came to pass in that it was an e-mail from a person who issued itself to be journalist in a foreign medieselskap, says considerable to tv2nyhetene.no. information in e-post He says that he gets many such inquiries, especially in these days."