Sure birds drop out of the sky and fish kills happen, but...what could be causing it in place after place? And what it might mean.
Ever wonder
What is the toxin/pollution carrying capacity of the planet? How polluted can it get before until the planet starts failing to sustain life?
And if that carrying capacity is reached,what happens? Maybe sick animals, perhaps mass die offs will occur as the symptoms of the slow poisoning surface.It works up the food chain,until we start dying. truth is this planet is a closed ecosystem. It has limits. We live in an inescapable toxic stew.Thanks to the unchecked greed of the rich and the pollution of corporations and the military.How the ever increasing pollution load will effect life here remains to be seen.The limit on the capacity of pollution the planet and life on it can take has limits.
But lets make this more personal..What happens..
When all the edible fish,birds,etc.are dead? We will be FORCED to depend on and buy and eat whatever corporations sell to us as 'food'. We will eat GM,Monsanto and chemical what the fuck is that shit,just to fuel our bodies.. And by our hunger,by our will to live without a slow starving death we will become vulnerable, we will no longer be free.Exploitation by predatory people is easy when masses of people are hungry and destitute.Just look at the lives of battered women,they cannot feed their kids without the batterers paycheck...How many people put up with abuse at work,because the unemployment situation is so bad? already many Americans are being financially abused by the Banks,Military, insurance,corporations. What if we had no recourse but to buy food from where we work,we would owe our souls to the company store.
Economic or financial abuse: A subtle form of emotional abuse
Remember, an abuser’s goal is to control you, and he or she will frequently use money to do so. Economic or financial abuse includes:
* Rigidly controlling your finances.
* Withholding money or credit cards.
* Making you account for every penny you spend.
* Withholding basic necessities (food, clothes, medications, shelter).
* Restricting you to an allowance.
* Preventing you from working or choosing your own career.
* Sabotaging your job (making you miss work, calling constantly)
* Stealing from you or taking your money. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Food security is described as a situation in which people do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. *Because the system that keeps them starving is not touched in any way.*
And it is a system that is deliberately keeping starvation real. The fact is that food production in the world is capable of feeding more than double the current world population, some 12 billion people could be fed by current food production levels. So it is, as Diouf of the FAO said, a matter of the lack of political will. day we cannot have a garden, share food,walk to pick berries or fish and prepare our own safe food,be it from the polluted soil water and air,due to climate changes or a system.. the corporate rich pigs will truly own us. If all sources for fresh water and food to sustain life is polluted or 'owned',it does not matter,one must eat. If all sources of food and water are dead/toxic they will truly own us for individual & community food sufficiency is one way we stay free people.. A few thousand birds,a few thousand fish, a mass bee die off,most natural sources of water are polluted waters..For some I know it seems trivial to them now,but these deaths will add up. Chemicals interfere not only with populations but with the reproductive ability of fish,birds etc.If our water,land and air are too toxic,we have no option but to drink toxic water if we cannot afford an elaborate filter,and so some people will get sick, and they may have no insurance.. They can't claim medical bankruptcy....One thing leads to another in a world where we are all connected..And the lack of political will to make the changes that must be made or our own survival are not done because the rich might be upset ...That toady sort of abuse has a BIG guilty part in perpetuating this disaster.