I'd like to document the massive obstructionist activities of the republicans.
First there are the outright filibusters.
http://thinkprogress.org/2011/01/06/mcconnell-filibusters-judges/">After Filibustering Judicial Nominees, McConnell Falsely Claims That He Opposes Judicial Filibusters
Then there are the over 400 bills which were never even taken up in the Senate because they were blocked in other ways.
http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/122681-frustrated-house-still-waiting-for-senate-action-on-420-approved-bills">Frustrated House still waiting for Senate action on 420 bills
Now we all know what the republicans are going to do when questions of their obstructionist activities come up, they are going to lie about it just as McConnell did above. So why wait for their lies?
You now already have the proof they are liars...