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http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2005/02/03/weve-been-warnedthe-state-of-our-unionperpetual-war/The State of the Union was, in many ways, a reiteration of the president’s second inaugural address: the look on that chimpy little face as he repeated “the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world” was at once self-satisfied and defiant, as if he were telling Peggy Noonan, Mark Helprin, and all the other conservative skeptics to stuff it. Laced with explicit threats, pumped up with hubris, shameless in its exploitation of the American war dead, this speech was a warning to us all – get ready for more wars, more death, more neocon lies in the service of a foreign policy founded on madness.
“Our third responsibility to future generations is to leave them an America that is safe from danger, and protected by peace. We will pass along to our children all the freedoms we enjoy – and chief among them is freedom from fear.”
Fear has been this administration’s leitmotif, its stock-in-trade, its signature theme. Remember this gem from Dick Cheney?:
“It’s absolutely essential …on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we’ll get hit again and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.”
If you don’t elect us, you’re going to get nuked: what could be clearer? There won’t be any freedom from fear as long as this crew of ghouls is in the White House. The foreign policy part of the president’s speech was permeated with the fear his policies have done nothing to allay, and everything to exacerbate:
“In the three and a half years since September 11th, 2001, we have taken unprecedented actions to protect Americans. We have created a new department of government to defend our homeland, focused the FBI on preventing terrorism, begun to reform our intelligence agencies, broken up terror cells across the country, expanded research on defenses against biological and chemical attack, improved border security, and trained more than a half million first responders. Police and firefighters, air marshals, researchers, and so many others are working every day to make our homeland safer, and we thank them all.”
Is the creation of yet another government agency really “unprecedented”? Hyperbole comes naturally to this hopped-up White House, drunk as it is on self-regard instead of alcohol. We haven’t reformed our intelligence agencies: instead, we’ve purged them of every honest analyst. If you resisted the neocons and debunked the phony intelligence they planted in collusion with Ahmed Chalabi that falsely pointed to nonexistent “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, then you’re outta there.
(Oh, but I forgot: in Washington these days, when you say you’re going to “reform” this or that agency or institution, it means you’re going to kick out all contrarians and eliminate any independent voices in the government. The vow to “reform,” in today’s parlance, is equivalent to what the Stalinists meant when they used to refer to “the liquidation of the kulaks.”)