Where is the tea party outrage? Where is Sarah Palin's outrage? Where is FOX news outrage?
http://www.examiner.com/democrat-in-national/arizona-governor-jan-brewer-s-republican-death-panel-claims-second-lifeArizona Republicans, led by Governor Jan Brewer, are sentencing innocent citizens to death. A second patient is dead after being denied a transplant because of budget cuts. The unidentified patient, who was waiting for a new liver, died Dec. 28.
On Oct. 1, the state stopped paying for certain organ transplants for patients covered by Medicaid. About 95 to 100 people were taken off the waiting list, and effectively sentenced to death by Arizona bureaucrats, the Republican controlled state legislature and Republican Governor Jan Brewer (a real death panel).
Wednesday University Medical Center spokeswoman JoMarie Gellerman reported the unidentified person died Dec. 28 due to hepatitis after earlier being removed from the center's list for a liver transplant.
Gellerman says hospital officials believe the patient's death was "most likely" a result of Arizona's controversial scaled-back coverage for transplants.
Where is the outrage?
Tea Party wing nuts like Sarah Palin have made a career out of spreading out right lies and deceptions about Obamacare Death Panels, even though such panels have always been the stuff of right wing paranoid fantasies. Yet when faced with real and very lethal death panels, the Tea Party ding dongs are silent. What gives?
What sort of mindless and idiotic hypocrisy is this? Where is the outrage?