Cantor Wouldn't Touch Ethics Questions On New Rep. RiveraRyan J. Reilly | January 7, 2011, 1:00PM
Rep. David Rivera (R-FL) tried this week to clear up questions about his finances amidst
a reported investigation into $500,000 in payments by a dog track (whose cause Rivera supported) to a company owned by his mother and godmother. As the Miami Herald reports, Rivera sold a two-bedroom condo at 8897 Fontainebleau Blvd. to his mother's company just eight days after he was elected to Congress.
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Former TPMer Benjamin Sarlin (now of the Daily Beast) caught up with Rivera this week, who told him he wouldn't let the questions throw him off his game. "I am completely focused on doing my job as congressman," Rivera said. "Nobody -- or any newspaper -- is going to deter me from fulfilling the mandate the voters sent me to fulfill."
Then Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) interrupted the exchange between Sarlin and Rivera. Sarlin asked Cantor, who has said the GOP will have a zero tolerance policy for ethics violations, what he thought of the Rivera case. "Really, I don't know anything about that," Cantor said. "All I know is what I read."
Shortly afterward, Sarlin asked Rivera again about the loan filings, "but he slipped away, citing an urgent text message," Sarlin wrote.- SNIP -
Rivera has strongly denied that he was the same David Rivera involved in the 1994 domestic violence case, and said that to "suggest otherwise is a blatant and shameful lie."
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But it definitely was Rivera who later crashed his vehicle into a truck carrying the fliers, forcing it off the road just ahead of the time the post office was set to close (see the accident report here, in which he lists his address as a P.O. box).
( ) keep in mind, we're only at day TWO of the GOP controlled House. It's going to be a busy two years.