Drum circle struggle pops up again: Police arrest man on the levee after breaking up group
Posted: 01/07/2011 01:30:45 AM PST
SANTA CRUZ -- Police responding to complaints about drug and alcohol use inside a drum circle on the San Lorenzo River levee arrested a 63-year-old man Wednesday night after he refused to leave.
The confrontation marks the latest between police and drum circle participants who formerly occupied a downtown parking lot adjacent to the weekly farmers market. The group moved temporarily to another lot on Cedar Street after the market expanded, and then reappeared on the levee after pressure from police, business owners and other community members pushed them out of downtown.
When police arrived around 5:25 p.m. Wednesday, there were about 50 people gathered with backpacks and bikes, blocking the levee pathway used by pedestrians and bicyclists, police spokesman Zach Friend said Thursday. Officers asked participants to move along because they were obstructing the path and occupying a park after nightfall, when it is considered closed.
Most departed, and no drugs or alcohol were found, Friend said.
But James Mattson of Berkeley was arrested and taken to County Jail after refusing multiple times to leave. He also would not provide identification or sign a citation for being in the park after hours, Friend said.
After officers later found his identification, he was released with the citation and not booked into jail, Friend said.
Police have made arrests and issued numerous citations against the drum circle in the past several years even as group members argue they have the right to peaceably assemble and play music. The group often played for several hours, drawing complaints about noise, substance abuse and camping. Since moving to the levee, they have been warned by police multiple times about smoking, drinking and being in the park after hours, Friend said.