The Autonomous Chapter of the Salt Lake City Brown Berets is denouncing a West Valley City program that encourages all residents to learn English, calling it a xenophobic measure.
The group is urging people to write letters to West Valley City Mayor Mike Winder and Councilman Steve Buhler condemning the initiative. Members are holding a meeting on Friday evening at 7490 S. 3200 West to discuss the measure.
“We understand certain people bending to the wishes of Minutemen,” member Daniel Argueta said. “This (initiative) is more to appease the anti-immigrant community.”
Buhler said he wrote the initiative before approaching the Utah Minutemen, a group that pushes for stricter enforcement of immigration laws, and denies that there is any discriminatory intent. He said all other feedback he’s gotten about the West Valley City English Initiative has been favorable.
“It sounds like they don’t really don’t want to live in America,” Buhler said of the Brown Berets. “They’re making up their own facts and stirring up trouble and misinforming others.”
Winder also said West Valley City is not xenophobic, pointing to its Cultural Celebration Center and large ethnic minority community.
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