Over the past week the US media, and in particular the cable news networks, have exploited the story of Ted Williams for the most reactionary and self-serving purposes...
According to the Huffington Post, both NBC and CBS were so anxious to gain exclusive rights to shoot the Williams’ family reunion that they engaged in subterfuge, ultimately preventing Ted and his mother from contacting each other until they were able to work out a deal allowing both networks to sensationalize the event.
CBS claims that on Wednesday night it brought Ted’s mother to a New York City airport to meet her son, who was flown there by NBC. According to CBS, NBC then whisked Ted off the plane before he could see her so as not to have to share the moment with its rival.
NBC claims it had no knowledge Julia Williams was waiting at the airport. The two companies then spent the better part of the next day negotiating over the filming rights to the reunion.
Describing the CBS-NBC rivalry over Williams as a “fierce war,” the Huffington Post reports that mutual recriminations are now flying back and forth between the networks, with each claiming their actions were driven by the most noble motives. Both outlets could care less about the emotional or psychological needs of the Williams family.
The giant corporations fawning over “the man with the golden voice” are manifestly indifferent to the extraordinary social suffering in the United States today and the country’s growing homeless population.
Pat McManamon of the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out that Williams’ interviewers on NBC’s “Today Show,” Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira, respectively make $13 million and $10 million a year. “Imagine how many homeless Lauer and Vieira have passed on their way to work and not given a second glance to,” he noted. The same could be said about the entire legion of major producers and executives who stand behind them.
The attention being given to Williams by the Cleveland Cavaliers is also notable. The owner of the basketball team, which plays in Quicken Loans Arena in Ohio, is the CEO of this large lending institution. As David Sirota of the Huffington Post pointed out, “Quicken Loans has been one of the major banks throwing people out of their homes during the foreclosure crisis.” The corporation, which has posted record profits in its mortgage division since 2009, is directly responsible for the swelling of the ranks of America’s homeless...
In 2007, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimated that 3.5 million people experience homelessness annually in the United States.
More recently, in a reflection of the impact of the economic crisis and widespread home foreclosures, the U.S. Conference of Mayors reported that the number of homeless families across 26 major cities had increased by 9 percent during 2010.
In early January, the web site Diverseeducation.com noted an increase in the population of homeless college students, as unemployed workers returning to school and cash-strapped families struggle to pay for courses that might give a chance at a future job, even though they are unable to afford housing.
The story of Ted Williams story is an exception because the media giants believe they can profit from showering attention on this talented individual, who they will exploit to win favor from the viewing public. The fact that Williams is a religious man and attributes his recent good fortune to god’s will makes him an even more attractive candidate for the cable news networks’ “human interest” story. Had Williams even mentioned the lack of government aid for the homeless or the jobless, he would have been quickly passed over.