Drug Industry Is Biggest Defrauder of Federal Government
Step aside, defense industry; there’s a new defrauder in town. Pharmaceutical companies have accounted for more payouts under the False Claims Act than any other industry. Drug companies have deliberately overcharged for medications and sold drugs for unapproved uses. In the past 20 years, Big Pharma has paid $19.8 billion in financial penalties. Spoiler alert: 75 percent has been paid out in the past five years alone.
READ our report.
This is from today's PUBLIC CITIZEN's "CITIZEN DIRECT" --
but it has long been known -- thanks to Sen. Bernie Sanders frequently bringing it to our
attention. And thought it should be in the records here.
And some older info from Sen. Bernie Sanders on this subject --
We pay higher prices than any other nation for prescription drugs --
And I ask, if we are permitting these criminal corporations to stay in business and
sell drugs to Medicare/Medicaid patients, why we don't have some continuing penalty
on them? You know, a surcharge?
AVENTIS - $95 million for violation of the Medicare? false claims act
Sanofi Aventis
GALAXO Smith Klein - $14 million to California
Plus $88 million in civil fines for overcharging Medicare
Signed a Corporate Integrity Agreement
'99 Leading worldwide conspiracy $500 million criminal fine -
for raising and fixing prices on certain vitamins
JOHNSON & JOHNSON -- Texas Attorney General brought charges -
huge fine -- for funneling kick backs to Texas health officials
PFIZER . . .
'09 -- Jury found Pfizer violated Medicaid fraud law 1.4 million times
Potential fines between $140 million and $21 billion
'02 - paid $49 million for defrauding Medicaid in overcharging for Libitrol -
(a subsidiary of Pfizer)
Smith Klein - guilty of overcharging Medicaid
Warner Lambert /div Pfizer -- agreed to pay $430 MILLION - pled guilty to felonies
fraud in promoting a drug for unapproved use - $240 million of that is for criminal
Wyatt --
'09 -- 16 states joined together in whistleblower suits --
failed to pay hundreds of MILLIONS in rebates to the Medicaid program