Tory voters found to have larger 'primitive' lobe in brain(Daily Mail (UK), December 29, 2010)Our political allegiances could be hard-wired into our brains, neuroscientists believe. Researchers have found evidence that the brains of conservatives are a different shape to those of Left-wingers.
Scans of 90 students’ brains at University College London uncovered a ‘strong correlation’ between the thickness of two particular areas of grey matter and an individual’s political views.
Self-proclaimed right-wingers had a more pronounced amygdala - a primitive part of the brain associated with emotion. It is an almond-shape set of neurons located deep in the brain's medial temporal lobe. However, those aligned to the left had thicker anterior cingulates - which is an area associated with anticipation and decision-making. In my attempts to answer the perennial question, “What on God’s green earth is wrong with conservatives?”, I have assumed for years that conservatism is some form of mental illness and should be diagnosed and treated as such. How else to explain their rejection of logic and reason, their quick, ready rage, their crippling fear? Normal people don’t respond to reality this way.
Now, at last, the answer. Conservative brains are defective! The overdeveloped emotional center and corresponding underdevelopment of the decision-making center map exactly to the inexplicable behavior of conservatives that we so often observe to our dismay.
Answering this question (if this, indeed, is the answer) is less satisfying to me than I had hoped, because I have no idea what to do about such a large proportion of our citizenry having brains that are wired in this counter-productive way.
There's one thing I do know. Nothing you can say to a conservative can change the basic physical fact of their inappropriate brain structure. So, don’t waste your time trying to “reason” with them. The poor dears just can’t do it.