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Larouch Is Crazier Than The Birthers

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discocrisco01 Donating Member (524 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-11 01:53 PM
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Larouch Is Crazier Than The Birthers
If you think the birthers are crazy, Lyndon Larouche tops them. Here is an excerpt from a Lyndon Larouche">article on death panels

"Dec. 30—Lyndon LaRouche and EIR warned you back in 2009, that President Barack Obama's so-called health-care reform was a carbon copy of Adolf Hitler's T4 (Tiergarten 4) policy, a scheme for eliminating those the government considers to be "useless eaters," with "lives not worthy to be lived." Now, Obama is moving, by fiat, to put that policy into effect.

Although Obama succeeded in ramming through his Hitler health bill, including the "death panel," called the unconstitutional Independent Payment Advisory Board, last year, the opposition roused by LaRouchePAC and others prevented him from getting every fascist measure he and his British Blairite advisors wanted. Specifically, the Senate killed Section 1233 from the House bill, a measure that outlined an extensive program of "death counseling" to be paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.

No matter to the Nero-like Obama. Having gone around Congress to appoint Dr. Donald Berwick, an open advocate of Tony Blair's genocidal NICE (National institute of Health and Clinical Excellence) program, as director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), without being subject to Senate confirmation, Obama had Berwick implement—by regulation—the measure Congress had rejected. Like the dictator he would like to be, Obama simply rammed it through.

If not stopped, either by the removal of the insane Obama by the 25th Amendment, or other means, the regulation pushing this euthanasia-promoting procedure will go into effect on Jan. 1, and will be followed by many others. Nor is this the only fascist measure Obama is implementing by executive fiat. At the same time, he intends to have the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) use its regulatory power to ram through murderous cutbacks in so-called "greenhouse gases," usurping the will of Congress, and directly assaulting the American people's well-being.

Do you see now why LaRouche says Obama's ouster is the top priority for any sane, patriotic citizen in the days ahead?

After reading this article, I think that Lyndon Larouche belongs in the nuthouse. Obama is Hitlter? Come on Lyndon. Realize that you are the nut and not our President.
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-11 02:01 PM
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1. Larouche has always been crazy.
You didn't know that? We always treated him and his followers as fringe nuts.
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