US Congresswoman Gabby Giffords from Tucson has just been shot point blank in the head ......
But this is not the first time the hate speech pushed by Fox and the right has had victims. Because after all the people attacked
were less then good Americans and they needed to be stopped by real freedom lovers.
Dr. George Tiller was gunned down in his church doorway ..... Bill O'Rielly called him Tiller the Baby Killer over 30 times on the air.
Ohio's Sec. of State Jennifer Brunner had death threats against her after Fox News' Sean Hannity repeatedly linked her to ACORN and
voter fraud in Ohio 2008. The stories about ACORN and voter fraud turned out not to have any truth to them at all but that did not stop
Hannity and Fox from pushing the meme.
In Oct 2010 a women was violently attacked by Rand Paul Supporters in Kentucky the man who held her down during the attack was a
member and supporter of Glenn Beck's "9-12 Project. Mike Pezzano freedom fighter pictured below.

And Fox News' very own Sarah Palin puts out a "hit list" of Congress members that need to be targeted w/ cross hairs and
now people are dead and or fighting to live in a hospital with a bullet wound to the brain.
Source: Tucson Citizen
US Congresswoman Gabby Giffords from Tucson has just been shot point blank in the head on the north side of Tucson. No word on if she survived.
More as it develops…