...little girl, the little girl was in attendance with an older woman when the shooting started. It is believed the child was shot in the back as she tried to get away and I have ever reason to believe (based on the high number of deaths) that most if not all of those shot were shot intentionally, as opposed to someone just firing into a crowd- not like matters. Anyway, the nurse who happened to be present at the shooting said the older woman who was watching the girl asked the nurse to contact the parents to let them know that the child was...I believe...going into surgery or into some hospital setting.
So it sounds like it was a friend of the family or other relative, but not the parents who were present. Honestly, if I didn't have kids and that happened while I was watching someone else's child I'm not sure I could live with it. Even though, obviously, the guardian had the best of intentions.
Just...terrible. Tragic, horrible...adequate words do not exist and my thoughts have been with the parents of that little girl and everyone else involved in this senseless slaughter the entire afternoon and into this evening. I am very sad. I try to appreciate it, every chance I get, that my children are OK and that our family's loved ones are safe. You just never know when that comfort will be taken away and we should all appreciate it and not take it for granted.