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Loud noise interrupts vigil
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Police found a suspicious-looking device inside the office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, several after she and more than a dozen other people were shot earlier in the day.
As members of the bomb squad were examining the device inside Gifford's Tuscon office, more than 100 people were gathered for a candlelight vigil outside. While that vigil was in process, a loud noise boomed out from inside the office, rattling those present.
Authorities did not initially say whether the noise was the result of police destroying the device, or from it actually exploding, but they did say that there was no threat to public safety.
Tuscon Police spokesman Lt. Fabian Pacheco said an officer checking Gifford's office found a "real strange" device that resembled a coffee can, and had writing on it. He did not reveal what that writing said. He also did not say whether the presence of that device was related to the earlier massacre that killed a federal judge, a 9-year old girl and four others, and wounded at least ten people. One of the wounded, Congresswoman Giffords, is in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the head. Following emergency surgery, doctors expressed optimism about her prognosis.
Pic of vigil

Hundreds gathered for Saturday night vigils outside Gifford's office, and outside the hospital where she and other victims are being treated