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Grijalva: Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior

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nmbluesky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-11 10:09 PM
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Grijalva: Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), who represents a district adjacent to Gabrielle Giffords's, said that Saturday's shooting is a consequence of the vitriolic rhetoric that has arisen over the past few years among extreme elements of the Tea Party.

"The climate has gotten so toxic in our political discourse, setting up for this kind of reaction for too long. It's unfortunate to say that. I hate to say that," Grijalva said in an interview with The Huffington Post. "If you're an opponent, you're a deadly enemy," Grijalva said of the mindset among Arizona extremists. "Anybody who contributed to feeding this monster had better step back and realize they're threatening our form of government."

Grijalva said that Tea Party leader Sarah Palin should reflect on the rhetoric that she has employed. "She -- as I mentioned, people contributing to this toxic climate -- Ms. Palin needs to look at her own behavior, and if she wants to help the public discourse, the best thing she could do is to keep quiet."
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lonestarnot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-11 10:23 PM
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1. CNN just said that the freak shot 18 people, 6 dead 12 others wounded.
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Liberal_Stalwart71 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-11 10:24 PM
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2. When some looney-toon shouted out "kill him" at one of her rallies.
neither she nor that person were ever held accountable.

Sarah Palin has never--not once--paid the price for her hatred.

I remain unconvinced that her career is over. She'll play the victim and her minions and the M$M will go along with it.
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