I posted on facebook the news of the shooting earlier today and stated there is a consequence to the heated political rhetoric of people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and subsequent action. It didn't take long for some of my right wing friends to take exception to my remarks.
RW co-worker:
I find it interesting that while we know almost nothing about the assailant some are already attributing his motivation to "heated political rhetoric" in an attempt to spin against conservatives. From the limited information I've read about... the shooter it seems he is an anti-religion dope head who was rejected by the military and was "obviously very disturbed" according to one college classmate.
Rep. Gifford is a former Republican who has supported border security and gun rights, who voted against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, and who has a husband that is active duty Naval Officer (assigned to NASA). Sounds like she could draw fire from some of the wacko left too...oh wait, is that inflammatory political speech that is going to cause her to actually "draw fire?"
How about we just agree this is a horrible tragedy, no matter which side of the political aisle you're on, and quit trying to score political points while she's still on the operating table.
My response:
By some, you mean me. Just say me.
I am not going to back off the assertion that there is a correlation between rhetoric encouraging people to "assert their second ammendment rights,"water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots," "Don't Tread on Me," "Don't retreat, reload," and Glen Beck's paranoid ramblings about a new world order and President Obama brainwashing children.
Was this guy crazy? It appears so. But that doesn't preclude the probability that his psychosis was either seeded or re-enforced by the self serving, politically and financially motivated ramblings of right wing politicians and pop stars who tiptoed along a line between free speech and encouraging violent revolution.
Rep. Giffords windows were shot out and she received hundreds of threatening phone calls after she voted for health care reform.
When her 75 year old father was asked if she had any enemies, he responded, "Yeah, the whole tea party."
I agree it is a horrible tragedy but time and time again, it is a tragedy that consistently ends up with Democrats and liberals as victims and right wingers piously praying for the same people they demonized and dehumanized.