sign that the intelligence of those spouting these slurs and stereotypes are too ignorant to make their point...
Minority communities have been telling us this for years.
Fox News and the Hate Radio "entertainment" is rife with this type of slander.
On our side, well we have Rachel Maddow and Kieth Obermann who try there damndest to convince through coherent arguments backed up with facts.
The right has a propaganda machine that Goebbels would envy that is quick to respond in a way that chisels away, chip by chip, the humanity of the opposition party.
Of course there are flame throwers from the left but they do not own a network and are not on the radio from early morning until late into the evening in virtually every city of size in the country.
You can't escape it and you can always find it.
They thrive on the fear of their audience and what is made monstrous becomes even more fearful...
One commentator that I was reading tonight over at the NYT cited the left calling Bush Hitler and such as a way to make this practice all inclusive.
All I can say to that is it wasn't sanctioned by the party, no one yelled out in anger that Bush lied during an address to congress even though we all knew he did. There is no left wing machine controlling the message of the day as it does so efficiently on the right.
To equate the left to the right is just lazy and border line irresponsible.
There is no one on the left that can make national political figures quake in fear as Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Beck do every day.
There are no mass produced little red books churned out by ghost writers that essentially say the same thing only slightly different on the left but the right, well, they control a publishing house that is more interested in controlling thought that making a profit.
In the coming days we will see who among the DC pundit crowd are competent in their reporting.
This is long and if you get this far, hold on for one more moment.
Please, don't stoop to their level in all of this. Point out the truth as clearly and without bias as you can because in the end, the truth will be on our side. It is they on the right that have to go through rhetorical exercises that would make a Greek Blush to prove their point.
I know the temptation is there to drop down to their level but now, more than ever, we must separate ourselves from that propaganda mill by delivering clear, concise, rational argument from and of our side...